LCG-2 option to add?

Not sure where to put this in the new forum structure… so here it goes!

In LCG-2 would it be possible to add a selection item to only plot transformed photometry? You know records that have the transformed field bit flipped to YES!

Would be a lovely thing to have.

Jim (DEY)

Hi Jim,

The LCG is on our list of software to replace, but it is pretty low priority. Unfortunately, we won’t be making any changes to it in the meantime. We’ll take your suggestion into consideration for future versions.


Why is LCGv2 “low priority to replace”? It has some serious issues, one of the worst is it can run extremely slowly and “hog” your computer to the point of even affecting cursor motion! Obviously it needs a major redesign to run efficiently and be a “lightweight” app!

I am sure LCG is a heavily used program, given its the main method by which users and researchers can analyze any star over time. So, I really do not agree with the notion it is “low priority” and in fact it should be bumped up to the top of the list in need of repair!

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If you are plotting a star with a large dataset, for example, everyones fav. T CrB and you are selecting the entire dataset and all obs types… LCG-2 will run very slow.

It is best to select perhaps a subset of filters you are interested in and only the last few days or weeks of data if you checking your recently uploaded data for consistency or extreme outliers.

If you want again for example, everyones fav T CrB, the entire dataset or even a small subset of that star it might be best to download the dataset once to your local storage and use excel or some other X,Y plotting package to look at the data.

According to VSX T CrB alone has almost 1/2 million observations in the db.

Jim (DEY)

Another option is plotting the data with VStar, it works well :slight_smile: