Is image pipeline in AAVSOnet open source?

We are developing an image processing pipeline for the RC-20 telescope at Robert Ferguson Observatory and I note a reference in images from AAVSOnet to as the name of the calibration and image processing pipeline software. Is this software available via open source? Or can AAVSO members use the software? We would like to make our FITS headers compatible with VPhot and be accessible for processing with other AAVSO software.

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At present the AAVSO and the AAVSOnet do not have image pipeline software available open source. We have thoughts of this in the future…
If its a matter of generating fits images compatible with VPhot, that will be easy to do.
Can you describe where you are in developing your pipline code stack so I can best advise? Or you are welcome to contact me at
George S

Thanks for responding, George. We are using SkyX and the files that it is generating are not calibrated and do not have WCS coordinates. We have designed the pipeline to pick up the darks, flats and bias images closest in date to the raw BVRI images and plan to do the calibration using the python libraries that are available for that. We have developed a simple call to the site to add WCS coordinates to the images. We can upload the raw images to VPhot and are using it. The undeveloped part of the pipeline is calibration. We are planning on using the CCD reduction reference. We are also looking at astrosource as a possible addition to our pipeline, but it must be modified to process non-LCO files. Any thoughts you might have would be welcome. If it’s of interest, I’m glad to share the slide deck with our design.