In the past I have been using AIP4Win to create reports for uploading into WebObs. But I have moved over to AstroImageJ for calibration and differential photometry as well as creating files for uploading into Peranso. Can someone please direct me to a resource, an app, procedure or macro, that will assist me in creating these files? I understand there is a macro for creating Exoplanet files for this purpose, can this be used for eclipsing binary time series data? I have thousands of observations that need to be uploaded. Thanks!
See the comment by Dennis Conti from 2022 (copied from the old AAVSO Forum):
"For those of you who are familiar with AstroImageJ (AIJ), a capability has been added to the latest daily build that allows the user to create a variable star report that conforms with the AAVSO International Database (AID) format for both single comparison stars, as well as for an ensemble of comparison stars. I want to thank Ken Menzies and others who have helped with the testing.
A User Guide that describes this capability can be found at Since this is being posted on multiple AAVSO forums, please contact me directly at if you have any questions and I will then post any relevant comments back on the forums.
Dennis Conti
Chair, AAVSO Exoplanet Section"
Thank you for this information Roy. I will give it a try this afternoon.
I can’t understand how I missed this as I have spent literally hours looking for a solution. I did a couple of searches in the AAVSO forum area and didn’t get a hit.
The very first place I looked was at WebObs. When I looked at the page: Software that exports AAVSO format there was no mention of AIJ, my preferred software for this task.
I have sent an email to the in this regard.
Thank you once again for your prompt response. I should have asked in this forum first. 20/20 hindsight!
I thought I’d remembered reading about AIJ and AAVSO data submission somewhere.
I actually just Googled it, and the first hit was Dennis Conti’s Forum post.
Hi John,
Since you’re already using Peranso in your daily work, I wanted to let you know that its sibling Phoranso offers powerful tools for calibration and differential photometry. It produces files in AAVSO EFF format, as well as CBA format, Excel, and CSV.
With Phoranso, you can also:
- Process your thousands of files while identifying other variable stars present in your images, and also submit reports for them to the AAVSO.
- Consolidate all your AAVSO EFF files into a single file for easy upload to WebObs.
In addition, there’s a close integration between Phoranso and Peranso: any light curve visible in Phoranso can be directly copied to Peranso for in depth analyses, with just one mouse click.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to explore how Phoranso can help streamline your work!
Best regards,
Yes, Tonny I saw Phoranso on your webpage when looking to see if my subscription for Peranso was still valid. Phoranso looks very interesting but I’m afraid I’m not up to speed enough with Peranso to claim I’m using it in my daily work! But as I continue to progress I will certainly take a strong look at Phoranso.
BTW: Thank you again for your recent prompt and helpful responses to my newbie questions. Your product support is admirable.
Thank you!
I was also interested in learning more about Phoranso. Unfortunately my Malware software absolutely blocked me from getting to the website. I’ve encountered warnings before when approaching http-only websites but I’ve never been blocked from going there to this degree.
Hi Gary
Thanks for informing. Can you try it again please? Https:// should be operational now.