I would propose to use buttons Plot a Chart, Generate a Light Curve and Search VSX in the WebObs Search Results table for checked (in checkbox) star.
We are about to deploy a new global search tool and replacement for webobs. While these features will not be included, we can certainly add them to a future feature request list.
The new WebOBs will not take 1 mmag While VPHOT provides them. I really don’t want to manually round hundreds of observations to 10 mmag every day.
Single or Multiple Observations
To submit multiple observations, you must use one of AAVSO File Formats.
Observation File
Row 1: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 2: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 3: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 4: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 5: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 6: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 7: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 8: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 9: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
By submitting data to the AAVSO, you are agreeing to our Data Usage Guidelines.
Also, I like seeing my total observations when I go to WebOBs.
I am beyond caring what the total is, I get a great deal more satisfaction in seeing how well I can fill out a phase plot. Still, the total serves as a personal impetus to add more and as a check to make sure new ones got submitted and deleted ones got deleted. Even more satisfactory would be a displayed ratio of totals of transformed to untransformed.