Apparently VSX search is not responding. I am searching for a position in VSX and even after more than 10 min of turning symbol its not coming back with a result.
Also for known targets in the VSX e.g. RT Cru VSX does not give the variables in the vicinity of RT Cru (e.g. 10 arcmin radius), which are known.
I tried to access VSX from the website and even the search form it’s not showing…
There have been time out (505) issues with VSX and ‘past observations’ for a couple of weeks now. I can actually get VSX to work now (14:30 UT Jan 26), but I can’t get to see a list of observations for any star because of a 505 issue.
I have been assured that the AAVSO are working on a fix for these problems, but it’s not a good look when these problems continually occur.
This is still occurring at 00:04 UT 1/26/25. I searched in VPhot using VSX for Z UMi in an image known to contain that target and the search times out after 1 minute with no results. My previously saved Sequence shows the star is present in the image.