I am trying to use the only sequence available (apparently) of M11 (M11 final), but no standard stars are displayed on my image. However, when I load the AAVSO Standard Stars, a ton of them appear.
Is another sequence for this standard field avialable? I need it to include them in my new observatory data.
I did not explain myself well. Sorry. I am trying to figure out my transform coefficients by using standard field M 11 (I took a wealth of data of this field a couple of days ago). In order to create the report for TG, I was trying to use the Time Series as per pp. 117 of the Guide to CCD/CMOS Photometry, in order to generate an appropriate report for TG. But I get this message:
The sequence I am using (M11 final) is including a Target Star that apparently does not appear in my images.
I made another sequence named M11 AUID using BS Sct as the target star, and stars 93, 98, 108, 111, 123, and 126 as comparison stars. I used star 116 as a check star. This sequence is working well, so now I want to share it with you guys, in case you need it.
Sorry about the confusion. Got lost in translation a bit here.
Read what you stated above. First you said ‘no standard stars’ are displayed and then you said a ‘ton of them appear’. Which is correct? Be careful with using the word ‘standard’ if you mean two different things?
What are you trying to do? Generate Transformation Coefficients with TG? Or something else?
I generated the Transformation Coefficients with TG. I chose a variable star, and then loaded AAVSO’s standard stars. I had to delete several of them since their circles overlaped. Then I proceeded to save the sequence with the identifier M11 AUID. So, problem solved.