Rosette Nebula & NGC 2244 Variables with Origin

On December 31, 2024 I captured the Rosette Nebula and young open cluster NGC 2244 with my Celestron Origin. I used 10-second exposures and a total integration time of 1 hour. I enhanced the image a bit using the photo editing tools on my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone. It was mostly clear, 5°C and a waxing crescent moon (1%).

I am interested in several aspects of Origin’s 12.7° x 0.85° FOV for this cluster. I created one of my annotated images just for variables, of which there are well over 200 in the FOV. For this, and other reasons, I have added this star field to my weekly imaging program, weather and season permitting. The image can be downloaded from my website as a pdf file on the Variable Star Fields page. It contains a sample of 21 variable stars and 12 comparison stars.

I have noticed considerable interest (i.e., website views) after I post here so I’ll continue to update anything I create regarding variables in this General Discussion forum. I forgot to select this forum last time (getting old).

BTW, my wife just bought me a small building so I can stay out at night using Origin in our farm’s pasture and stay warm all winter. It was delivered yesterday so now I’m hoping to have at least a few more clear nights in January - only one so far!

Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lattitude: 45°N

Just noticed I forgot to change the variable star heading to comparison stars in my pdf download on my website. Just to let you know, but it should be quite obvious.


Just uploaded the corrected pdf.

I have been asked for the FITS file for this nebula/cluster. I didn’t save it, but the next clear night, hopefully soon, I will image this FOV again and will turn on the “save raw files” option for sharing.