On December 31, 2024 I captured the Rosette Nebula and young open cluster NGC 2244 with my Celestron Origin. I used 10-second exposures and a total integration time of 1 hour. I enhanced the image a bit using the photo editing tools on my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone. It was mostly clear, 5°C and a waxing crescent moon (1%).
I am interested in several aspects of Origin’s 12.7° x 0.85° FOV for this cluster. I created one of my annotated images just for variables, of which there are well over 200 in the FOV. For this, and other reasons, I have added this star field to my weekly imaging program, weather and season permitting. The image can be downloaded from my website as a pdf file on the Variable Star Fields page. It contains a sample of 21 variable stars and 12 comparison stars.
I have noticed considerable interest (i.e., website views) after I post here so I’ll continue to update anything I create regarding variables in this General Discussion forum. I forgot to select this forum last time (getting old).
BTW, my wife just bought me a small building so I can stay out at night using Origin in our farm’s pasture and stay warm all winter. It was delivered yesterday so now I’m hoping to have at least a few more clear nights in January - only one so far!
Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lattitude: 45°N
Website: https://celestronorigin.space