Plug-in Authentication failed

Hello dear Observers,

I installed all the plugins in Vstar, and would like to download some apass photometry.
“New star from APASS epoch Photometry DB”.

When clicking on the function, in the Menu, it is asked an authentication code.
I enter the Six digits code provided within the URL, but next, only get the message “Plug-in Authentication Failed”.

I surely missed something, but don’t know what to do.

Any advice, any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks you in advance,

Hello there !

Any Vstar user here ?

Is this normal that the provided code does not unlock the plugins ?
Do I have to be a aavso menber to use those plugins ?

Is there any other place to get all available APASS data for a given star, than Vstar ?

Thank you so much in advance,

Hello Christophe,

I just started learning the ropes on Vstar so I’m not an expert…

I installed the plugin and after the restart I clicked on New star from APASS in the file menu

In the popup there was a button Authenticate, I cliecked on it and as I was already logged on the AAVSO website the browser showed me directly a page with a code and getting back to Vstar I was able to download data

Honestly I don’t know if having an AAVSO website account is mandatory but I think that you can open one without associating to AAVSO (even if it would be a good idea to become an AAVSO member to support their work)

Hello Gianluca,

Thanks for the help.
I did that about six or seven times, I tried once more this afternoon, after your message … Unfortunately, that don’t work.

Capture d'écran 2025-01-26 171724

So, my next question would be : is there another tool to download every apass data points for any given star ?



sorry that didn’t work for you, maybe some security sw getting in the way

Maybe this is what you need APASS DR10 Download | aavso

@aru or @David_Benn perhaps you could help resolve this issue?

Hi Christophe

Are you an AAVSO member as well as having an AAVSO web login?

The APASS and AAVSONet plugins are currently the only ones that are member-only.

Are you able to authenticate to mark an observation as Discrepant? If so, membership may be the issue. I’m the lead developer of VStar, but not an AAVSO staff member so I can’t check your membership status.

@aru or @bkloppenborg could check that for us. Once that is known, I can help further.



Hello David,

Oh ! I see.
I’m not AAVSO member.
So … I suppose, I will do that with the only APASS data points found on Vizier.
Thanx for the help.


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