Finally, a second night of mostly clear skies in January! The temperature ranged from -6°C to -8°C, colder than Celestron’s recommended low operating temperature of -5°C. The only other date that I exceeded this low was December 23rd when it was -8°C for the entire 2-hour session. Last night I extended the session to 4.5 hours. Origin operated perfectly throughout.
Among my targets were several 1.27° x 0.85° fields containing variables including the following:
U & W Orionis
W Persei
S Canis Minoris
R Geminorum
X Aurigae
NGC 1977 (see unedited image below)
NGC 2244 (with surrounding Rosette Nebula)
This was the second time I imaged NGC 2244 for an hour with 10-second exposures. I saved the raw data file this time, which hopefully is downloading right now. I do not save raw files in general since I don’t need them for my research.
Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lattitude: 45°N