I’d like to determine the transformation coefficients for iTelescope T72 which I’m using for taking images of V1725 Sco.
Unfortunately all the globular clusters managed by TG are now too low on the horizon** so I was planning to use the Landolt fields, but given the FOV very small and the small number of standard stars in the fields I can’t have enough stars in a single image.
I was wondering which is the best procedure to use in a case like this.
If I take images of different fields I imagine that also extinction has to be taken into considerations.
Any suggestion?
** with the exception of NGC3252 but I get only 4/5 standard stars in the image
You might have a look at the extended data on Landolt fields and around globuar and open clusters by Peter Stetson:
…which include large numbers of stars observed on ‘many’ nights very closely tied to the Landolt system by procedures well-documented in his papers.
Yes, if yo take images of several fields, atmospheric must be taken into account in reducing the data. If the airmass range is not too large, it is reasonable to simply adopt some typical extinction coefficients.
While not Landolt fields, AAVSO has several well calibrated standard fields that we recommend people observe. They should be suitable for determining transformation coefficients.
Have a look at the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP) Standard Fields page. Nice table of all the standard fields with locations, FOVs, etc. Charts and tables for each.