Observer log book

Apologies if this is discussed elsewhere or if the answer is easily available. Any recommendations for an observatory log book?

Side note: it would be awesome if there was an official AAVSO observers log book (or a series of books tailored to the type of observations). I’d buy it!

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By the way, so far the best I have found is this …

Perhaps not what you’re looking for but I simply use “Steno Notebook” as from Staples Office Supply for my variable star photometry. Use the same format for each night’s data collections often getting several observing sessions on a sheet, depending on how many star fields I image.

Been doing this since 2019 and only on my second “observing log”. Great thing about this is that you can devise your own system and collect info that is relative to your data collection…you’re not limited by what’s pre-printed in an outside book

Good luck!!
Jamey (JENJ)

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Thanks for the feedback! Would you be willing to share the format/item list you use? I have an idea in mind of what things I would want to record, but it’s certainly possible I’m forgetting something.

Hi Lionel,

I use this simple “Log Sheet” from the Astronomical League Variable Star Observing Program. I just use one sheet per variable that I happen to be observing.

Here in So. Cal. we will often get 2 months straight of clear skies, and I’m out every night doing visual observing, and fill these sheets out pretty quickly. They are simple and to the point and have all the information needed to then submit your observation to AAVSO.

Take a look and feel free to share.

Variable Star Observing Program - Log Sheet.pdf (94.6 KB)

Andrew (CANG)

Hi Lionel,

I begin each entry with a header containing the following information:

  1. night of observation
  2. phase of moon visible
  3. current air temperature
  4. temperature of cooled camera
  5. camera model used
  6. optic(s) used
  7. estimate of cloud cover
  8. local time when observations began

Columns are then created for each photometric filter to be used and I list each variable that’s imaged to the left with the (exposure time X the number of images acquired) under the appropriate column. Then on the right side which camera I have used (I have two, cam1 is on the main telescope and cam2 uses a standard telephoto lens). Lastly since a German equatorial mount is used I make a note of whether the instrument was pointing to the east or west.

I make notations below these recordings when processing the acquired images if SNR needs to be improved or perhaps the variable positioned differently in the field on the next observing session. Note that the Universal Time of the observation is recorded in the FITs header of the image file so no need to record that in the log sheet.

Hope this helps, this is what is efficient for my workflow. Best of luck with your project.

Jamey (JENJ)