NSVS site is down?

It would seem that the NSVS catalog hosted by the Los Alamos National Laboratory has either moved or is down. I have been unable to get to it for a couple of days. Neither Peranso nor the ASVSO VSX utility is able to access it. It appears that VSX was trying to get it at:


but Los Alamos National Laboratory no longer seems to have the skydot subdomain.

Does anyone have any insight on what is going on?

Hi Bill,
It’s been years since access became intermitent, while not non-existing… Last time I was able to get NSVS data was years ago.
Unfortunately this is not uncommon when surveys are not longer funded.
There doesn’t seem to be any trace of the NSVS at the Los Alamos website.



Yes, I did a search on their site as well and could find nothing. It went into a black hole :wink:

I never played with that data until I wanted to recently. Was it high quality? Should we mourn its lose?

It wasn’t great if you are used to work with TESS or Kepler :grin: but it covered a magnitude range (9-14) and a sky area (Northern Hemisphere down to -30 or so) that hasn’t been properly monitored. I would say it is comparable with ASAS-3, maybe a little lower in quality. A very useful resource. We discovered thousands of variables data mining the NSVS two decades ago!

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