New Photometry Observation Submission Tool

This year, we will excited to be releasing our a new observation submission tool that will be replacing WebObs. We are opening the floor for feature requests or improvements that we can make in our new application!

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I Like this feature:
Your Total Observations:

For this feature:

  • Download your observations
    I wish it were in an easy to use .csv format so that I could operate on it ( for example, to average ). I wish the download had the format commas to easily upload the re-worked photometry. Hard to explain without going through the painful exercise of downloading and then uploading. The simplest test is to upload an untouched download file. That would be a good start.


WebObs was apparently written before the advent of widespread timeseries observations or the proliferation of passbands in use. The existing search and edit features are not up to snuff for present use. Two requests:

  1. Make the WebObs search operation filter by passbands.
  2. Make it possible to select a whole range of observations for deletion.

The need can be seen in the following situation: letā€™s say I run a milti-hour timeseries of BVRI. After uploading my data I notice that there is a pervasive problem in R band (maybe my filter wheel had trouble). I need to delete all of my R band data - think about how painful that process is in the current system.

It would also be helpful to be able to exclude observers from a search. I try to follow what my group of PEP observers are doing, and WebObs conveniently supports filtering by the PEP observation type. But one observer submits considerable timeseries data. These data bloat results from the WebObs search, which is a problem because WebObs has only primitive means for navigating within the pages of search results.

On the submission side of WebObs, we urgently need a way for observers to view their data in the context of the current light curve. Most anomalous data could be kept out of the AID if people screened therir submissions, but there is no way to do that within WebObs, and it appears that few observers take the time to open up a light curve in LCG to perform quality control.


I have no great heart-burn from the current webobs. I donā€™t see the need to be able to easily delete large amounts of data from previous uploads. When I am doing single object, single observation uploads I have been known to make a typo or use the wrong comparison star data. Using the current webobs search and delete then upload the corrected record works just fine. I rarely do massive time-series. A much better solution would be do data checking and validation before you upload your data. I presume much of the problems come from automated data reduction and upload without checking and validation which should be part of the process. A much bigger concern to me is getting everyone who is doing multi-filter observing to transforming the magnitudes to a standard system, yet huge amounts of data in the database isnā€™t. I donā€™t understand why that is. Text and csv formats are as basic as can be. I donā€™t see a real need to have any additional formats for uploadā€¦ If you are using a speadsheet program it is mighty easy, if your sheets are in the same format as the extended format, to export and upload.

Jim (DEY)

Webobs is one of the AAVSO tools that has consistently worked well for me - never generating frustration or causing me to waste time. It worries me that this well-functioning aspect of the AAVSO website is the one being considered for ā€˜improvementā€™. Hopefully, the upgrade will work as well as Webobs.

Iā€™m really excited about this tool ā€“ especially being able to compare my data to previous data quickly so I can check for quality and issues. Will there be a way to retract all or part of a submission? Can I see how it compares before submitting? (Maybe thereā€™s already a way to do this that Iā€™m not aware ofā€¦)

However, Iā€™ve immediately run into an issue ā€“ Iā€™m getting the following error:
Row 1: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 2: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 3: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.
Row 4: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.

The file Iā€™m submitting is directly output by VPhot, which has never had issues uploading via WebOps. Is the format changing? Will VPhot be updated to match?
Also in agreement that limiting to two decimal places is not a good ideaā€¦

I just used the new photometry tool, and it didnā€™t give me the ā€˜Cannot be in the futureā€™ error! Thank you, Aru!


A cool feature of the future Observation Submission Tool would be that it accept (all) more type of files for uploading - not only txt or csv.
Especially XLS files.

Thanxs in advance,

Observer Site and Airmass

It would be cool if observers could optionally include their site coordinates. Note that the AAVSO profile settings has a way to include one or more sites, so this could have a drop-down widget for easy selection.

If the user decides to include his/her site data, the airmass could then be computed automagically (say) by poshing a button next to the input field (optional). This would also offer some level of consistency checking (was the object above horizon or at least close to it during obs time from that site).


Hi Team - I would like to see an iPhone app that I can use in the field to upload visual observations on the fly. I donā€™t need to write down the observation, but can enter it immediately and easily through a phone app. Or at least make the observations mobile phone friendly.

Iā€™ve often run into not being able to upload submissions shortly after observation. I wonder if it is because I am in California and entering time in GMT and the current webobs wonā€™t accept the entry? This was an off and on issue over the past year.

I canā€™t use the new submit observation tool until the precision limitation is removed and the ā€œfuture dateā€ issue is fixed. So no further features can be tested. Is there an expected date when these features will be updated?

I can guess why code needs rewriting. Could it begin by just providing every bit of the same functionality as the old WEBOBS? Then you can build on that.
Will LCG suffer the same rewrite? If it does, can it include a phase plot after the basic functionality is provided? I like VSTAR a lot and I use it extensively to check for stray datapoints that are hard to find when staring at long lists of BVI data. I wish it could display my data separately for each filter.

Thank you everyone for the feedback. Weā€™ve released some key fixes for the data submit application including:

(1) Fix for the observation time in the future issue.
(2) Support for precisions greater than 1 decimal point.
(3) Better handling of certain file types.
(4) Updated form language and placeholders for clarity.
(5) Other various minor improvements.

Weā€™re still continuing to review feedback and appreciate everyoneā€™s patience as we make this transition.

Regarding the AID file format, we noticed a couple of differences compared to WebObs:

(Airmass) Ensure this value has at most 7 characters (it has 9).
(Magnitude Error) Ensure this value has at most 6 characters (it has 7).

Are these changes intentional and permanent? If so, we (Exoplanet Watch) need to change how we generate the AID files.

Hi everyone!

Weā€™ve released various fixes for the data submit application. If you have been experiencing issues, please try again and let us know if it works now.

Fixes include:

  • Support for submitting observations older than a year
  • Support for csv exports from excel (with trailing commas in header)
  • Better handling of GCVS star names

If you have data older than one year that youā€™d like to submit, please send us an email and we can grant you access.

We are currently working on:

  • Looking into possible false positives on the preview page
  • Support for returning back to submit page directly after submission
  • Some users experiencing 502 Gateway Errors on submission

Thank you for your support.

Hi Aru,

Iā€™m sitting at my computer and logging in all my visual observations from hand written notes.
I remember when I first started using the observation tool in 2021, the browser would remember what I typed in and I could just select it instead of re-typing in each Star Identifier, Chart ID or Comments. That saved a lot of time.
Iā€™m not sure if that is a setting in my browser, or a cookie on the site?
It is kind of like ā€œauto-fillā€ so it makes it faster to enter the Visual Observations.
It would be nice to have that again. (Please comment if it is something I can turn back ā€œonā€.) :slight_smile: :sparkles:


Aside from only two decimal places for magnitude, it seems to work.

It doesnā€™t seem suited for multiple observations of different stars. Once you submit, it gives you only the search option. It doesnā€™t take you back to the submission form.


Iā€™m trying to submit an observation file but I get the following response for every row:

**Row 1: (Observation Time) The observation date must not be in the future.**Row 1: (Magnitude) Ensure this value is a multiple of step size 0.01.

First row is:
MU Cam,2460664.29174,14.841,0.015,CV,NO,STD,000-BFT-944,18.574,000-BFT-945,18.838,1.662,na,X36511FJW,|VMAGINS=20.196|CMAGINS=18.574|CREFMAG=13.219|CREFERR=0.008|KMAGINS=18.838|KREFMAG=13.482|KREFERR=0.009

Date is last night (Dec 19th) which, to the best of my knowledge, is not in the future. Anyone knows what is wrong here? Report file produced by Phoranso.



In your new ā€œSubmit Photometric Observations Appā€ you seem to use the term ā€œSingleā€ to mean only a manual entry of a photometric result? There is no obvious place under ā€œSingleā€ to submit /attach an AEFF File?

The term ā€œMultipleā€ is used for entry/attachment of an AEFF Report file and not a manual entry of a photometric result?

It is clearly possible to have only one photometric result (single target magnitude) in an AEFF Report file. In this case, it seems to me you must enter the single target magnitude AEFF Report under ā€˜Multipleā€™?

I think you may want to rethink the wording/explanation?? I think it is unnecessary to change the two data entry categories (Manual vs File) but appropriate to change the terminology?.


Getting an error:
Unknown error while parsing: Length of names argument (15) does not match number of table columns (4)
File uploads fine to WebObs. File is created by ASTAP software.