How to define transformation coefficients for an instrument


I’m looking for information about the procedure to use for determining the transformation coefficients for a telescope.

There is a comprehensive guide somewhere?



See the attached instructions. I will place the same instructions in a post at the top of the VPhot Forum.

HTH, Ken

VPhot TG Transform Coeff Process Rev1.docx (20.5 KB)

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Thanks Ken, it’s exactly what I needed

Have a nice day

I can not transform images from NH2c telescope. Are there actual coefficients?


Do you see any coefficients listed yet in VPhot?


No, I did not find coefficients for NH2c.
Maybe NH2 data will suite?


You are correct. I have not generated the coeffs for this new camera (NH2c) yet. We are now collecting images of std fields. Coeffs should be available soon??

In the interim, you can submit untransformed data or wait.


Thank you, Ken, no problem.