I have severe problems getting reasonable I band data for red giants. The data vary extremely on the number of pixels I select for the aperture radius.
The FWHM for the star is 2.86.
If I look at the star profile I see that ADU number is approaching zero only at about 11 pix. Taking 1.5*FWHM I still see ADU approx. 2000.
Looking at the" Effect of Signal…" I see that the Instrumental Magnitude (black) also going down all the way up to the 10.5px which is the maximum visible, not yet stable.
When I run the photometry I see a dramatic dependence of the calculated I magnitude on the aperture radius.
4.5 (1.5*FWHM): 4.638 (error 0.019 for 2 comp stars)
8: 4.886 (error 0.003)
12: 5.101 (error 0.006)
16: 5.233 (error 0.029)
18: 5.242 (error 0.027)
19: 5.237 (error 0.027)
Looks like convergence for 16 pix and above, way above the FWHM.
Now I could maybe reduce exposure time, but then all the comps stars are useless as they have I band manitudes about 5 mags below my target: The image shows some bright stars but they are no comp stars, also not when I add the APASS data. Probably most of the bright I stars are variable…My comps stars have S/N of 20-25, my target 250. Reducing exposure time is not a good idea I guess.
Therefore it is a bit like guessing which aperture to use. What are you guys doing?