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Have data for 2.8 hrs at 60 sec exp.(168 data pts ) for V566 Oph obtained on 20Sept. Having trouble understanding how to submit.
Is there a simple manual to follow like exists for Visual observers?

Hi Rich,

AstroImageJ supports the AAVSO’s Extended File Format (AEFF) output. I found this email on their mailing list about it:

Hopefully this helps improve your workflow!


Go to:

AAVSO Home>Submit and Access Data>Upload Photometry

In the first paragraph headed WebObs, there is a link to “AAVSO File Format Specification”. Read the “AAVSO Extended File Format” paragraphs, then click the “AAVSO Extended File Format” link.



I presume you have your data in some sort of tabular format. If you can open that in a spreadsheet you will avoid having to retype everything. Arrange the columns of your data in the same order as the fields required by the AAVSO Extended Format. You may have to insert columns to accommodate required additional data. Some fields are constant from line to line. You can just enter what’s necessary in the first line, then copy down to fill the columns. After you have all your data, save it in a comma-separated format and submit the file.

There are various photometry software packages that will format your results in the AAVSO Extended Format. I’m not familiar with all of them. VPHOT, the AAVSO’s own online photometry software, obviously does it. I believe AIP4Win (now only available in a non-supported, non-registered format) and Phoranso, a relatively new package, will do it. There should also be others.


The AAVSO’s Exoplanet Section has specific requirements for uploading data, which I believe are different from the AAVSO Extended Format. I don’t observe exoplanets so cannot advise, but there is information in the Exoplanet Section pages. There is a link on the AAVSO home page.



Most commercial photometry packages and several of the free ones have methods to generate AEFF files from observations. If you could tell us what you are using to reduce your data, we might be able to provide more specific advice.


Roy and Brian:
Using astroimagej for data reduction . Calculate mag using two comp stars from aavso chart .
Calculate from source-sky T1, C2, and C3 . Plot from Astro shows nice min to max to min distribution for VO566 Oph , and pretty constant flux for the comp stars .
After starting to put the spreadsheet together I definitely need to find some software that makes this easier .
Thank you both for your help .


Method used. Put data in excell and made col’s for each data title.
Put six parameters as separate rows at top of the data col’'s… Had 15 data rows. Saved as csv file and went to submit page . Clicked on submit and got reply that parameters not listed, that I had 23 fields for data , instead of the 15 I listed, and asked if I used delimiter. I wrote out “comment” as the delimiter. Also tried “,” , but that didn’t wor either.
I used notepad to view file and it looks fine. I then tried using “tab” as delimiter but got same errors .
I looked at the astroimage software for AAVSO submittal but appears to be geared to individual data not extensive files like I have.
Anyone have idea of what I’m doing wrong ?


Message me and attach the file.


TRJA_A0566_Oph_data_AAVSO_21Sept2024_v5.csv (13.8 KB)
TRJA_A0566_Oph_data_AAVSO_21Sept2024_tab1.txt (13.8 KB)
Tried using email but it bounced so tring again. Let me know if this works.

I opened your txt file in notepad++ and fixed lots of errors associated with extra tabs/spaces. I removed them and added an airmass value. BTW, you should consider adding an extra digit in JD and Mags. You should also add check star values if possible although that does not cause a failure.

So, open your txt file in notepad and correct this issue. BTW, just use a couple of lines in your file during testing. It makes the process a lot faster!

I was able to get the file accepted. I did not submit it.

HTH, Ken

PS: BTW, as Brian mentioned above, there is a macro in AIJ that will create the proper report for you. Saves you all this trouble!

TRJA_A0566_Oph_data_AAVSO_21Sept2024_tab1.txt (330 Bytes)


I see Ken has responded. I looked only at your .txt file. The first thing I noticed were multiple extra tab spaces at the end of each line. You can see these by moving the cursor along the line with the right arrow key.


Really appreciate your time in looking at my file . Have no idea how the extra tab/spaces were attached to each line. Same thing happened for the comma separated case: a string of 7 or 8 commas at end of notes section . I saw this error , and corrected the lines until the notes section. Since this was just junk added to notes line I thought it would be OK so left the lines with the added comma, however forgot that added tab/spaces would probably not be OK.
I limited to two decimal places because I don’t believe my results are better than .02 or .03 mag.Shouldn’t reported mag error be consistent with number of places. ? Will look at again.Thought data had two decimal digits?
The JD is best I have, which comes from ZWO asicap software which adds the JD as a file ID.
Thanks to Roy as well .
I’ll look at AIJ again. As I said didn’t appear to apply to time series collection, but thinking about this process It could be used with just a few lines of data, like Ken mentioned .


  1. I generally agree with your comments about significant figures. In your case, the least significant figure is in the second decimal position.
  2. However, in most typical photometry, you can achieve precision to the third decimal position (milli-mag). Most observers just use 3 sig figs by default. My pet peeve is observers using many more digits (like 4 or 5+) than reasonable!
  3. Most computer clocks will give time precision to ± 1 sec and perhaps ± 0.1 sec. Do the math to show how many days equals 1 sec. It’s more than 3 decimal digits. Use a NTP algorithm like Dimension to keep your clock in sync. Not possible with asicap?
  4. AIJ is obviously designed for long time series (transits). Dennis’ macro is designed to help define your aavso comp(s) and a check star in AIJ and then put all the appropriate data into the correct aavso aeff report format. It should do exactly what you want with none of the extra pain you are dealing with!



  1. Good info, thanks for advice. Struggling to achieve reasonable and consistent results with my rig . Just received Bisque MyT series 6 mount . Learning TPoint and modeling to allow longer exposures. Want to get to .01 mag repeatability with known comp or Landolt stars.
  2. Agree should get nearest second. Eventually will use GPS or other means to do that . Asicap and .001 days (86 sec) is best I can auto record.
  3. Based on your comments I’ll spend some time with AIJ and aavso aeff report, definitely worth the effort if it makes submission easier.