AvSpec crashes when I try and submit my first spectra

Each time I try and submit a file to AVspec, it crashes and sends me a message that someone at AAVSO will look into it. This is the message.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong on this page. AAVSO staff has been notified of the problem.”
It says “Internal Server Error” at the top of the tab.

Hello Jeff,

When looking at the error it is telling me that there is an issue with the fits file itself that does not meet expected standards: Specifically Card ‘CAMID’ is not FITS standard. If you are unsure how to address this, please email me the fits file and I can have a look (hpablo @ aavso.org).

Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer, AAVSO

Here is the fits file.
gam Sge_2024-10-11_WJEB.fit (25.3 KB)
The CAMID field seems to have the value '39228C0525090900
in it. This looks like the serial number of the camera.
BASS is putting the camera id in the DETNAM field.

Pablo. I added a second hash mark to the camera serial number and it passed through the submission form.

Here is the text file that accompanies a series of exposures in SharpCap. In it you can see at the top of the page that SharpCap identifies the serial number without any hash marks. A single sub frame has a single quote mark in the beginning.
CAMID = '39228C0525090900
gam Sge 10102024_00001 19_10_28_.CameraSettings.txt (1.4 KB)

I am not sure what is correct but it seems that BASS software is ok with it and Avspec is not. It is how SharpCap identifies the serial number of a camera.

The single individual sub frames are too large to insert but I can send you a link to one if you would like.