Observing Campaign #684: Photometry requested for campaign on V1491 Cyg

View here: Details for Photometry requested for campaign on V1491 Cyg

Abstract: AAVSO observations are requested to support Dr. Dirk Froebrich and colleagues’ upcoming observations of V1491 Cyg, a young variable star periodically occulted by material in its circumstellar disk. Observations will be used to map the next occultation (predicted for mid November 2019). They will conduct a [four-week, multi-site], high cadence, multi-wavelengths optical monitoring campaign (in UBVRIHa), using: i) The University of Kent’s Beacon Observatory (longitude ~1deg East). ii) Their network of amateur astronomers who work with us as part of our HOYS-CAPS(Dirk Froebrich) citizen science project. iii) Observations with the LCO (in particular the 1m telescope at the McDonald Observatory (longitude ~104deg West)). Given the position of the object (highest right after sunset) we would like to request one set of images in all available filters per observer per night to cover longitudinal gaps and to account for potential bad weather at our other sites.

Justification: Our light curves indicate a period of about 180 days and occultations lasting 1-2 weeks. These obscurations could be caused by the Hill sphere of an orbiting protoplanet. Multi-wavelength, multi-site observations are required to map the occultations.